Where Bee Swedish began

Where Bee Swedish began

Being Swedish was probably the most boring way of being I could imagine, as I was growing up in a mediocre place called Jakobsberg, just north of Stockholm. At E18, the big road stretching east-west not far from my home, the speed limit changed from 90 to 110 km/h for...

How Bee Swedish met the Newbie Guide to Sweden

How Bee Swedish met the Newbie Guide to Sweden   How to create a physical network from your social media contacts   In November 2015, I was an enthusiastic, brave, and terrified entrepreneur, having just launched my business and website Bee Swedish, and...
Stuck in Swedish?

Stuck in Swedish?

Do you remember your first class in Swedish? You probably learnt how to introduce yourself, talk about where you come from, and ask others about the same topics. When you walked out of your class, you were probably on a bit of a high. Swedish is an easy language, you...