Tycker, tänker or tror? How to think in Swedish

The word think, or the equivalent(s) in your language, is conveniently translated into three different words in Swedish: tycker, tänker, tror. Do not believe that you can use these sporadically, as per your own preference, because for any Swede, these three words have...
The potential of Swedish

The potential of Swedish

I am not a poet, and I will never be. But I am fascinated with language, and partly because of its reflection of culture and social practice. Somehow, our language enables us to think, and learning a new language always give your insight into a new way of thinking. In...

How Bee Swedish met the Newbie Guide to Sweden

How Bee Swedish met the Newbie Guide to Sweden   How to create a physical network from your social media contacts   In November 2015, I was an enthusiastic, brave, and terrified entrepreneur, having just launched my business and website Bee Swedish, and...
Jack Morgan on being Swedish

Jack Morgan on being Swedish

Jack Morgan is a young Brit (eligible for an Irish passport, following Brexit fears), who ended up living in Stockholm by chance. He works as a project manager for FNUF, which is short for Norden Association Youth League Sweden. Besides having the best-sounding...
Are Swedes really shy and reserved?

Are Swedes really shy and reserved?

When asked about a national character, almost any newbie – or oldie, is likely to describe the typical Swede as shy, reserved and almost uninterested in human contact. Our favourite activity seems to be walking alone in the forest, going to a remotely located cottage...